Welcome to VUStruct! VUStruct analyzes missense variants for your ‘case’ of interest, in context of automatically selected 3D protein structures. VUSTRUCT HOME AND DOCUMENTATION VUStruct Pipeline Case Input and Launch Form For detailed documentation, tutorials and more, visit VUStruct Home To launch VUStruct, enter a name for your case, and input variants of unknown significance (VUS) in either: Genomic coordinates in VCF, Vanderbilt, or WUSTL format (from which missense variants are automatically determined) or Comma-delimited list of Uniprot Sequence IDs alongside missense amino acid variants of interest. (Genomic conversion is not performed) VUStruct Case Label (4 to 20 characters)(Required) Enter an ID such as UDN12435678Data Format(Required)VUStruct CSVVCF GRCh38VCF GRCh37 (runs liftover)Vanderbilt UDN Case SpreadsheetWUSTL Case SpreadsheetSelect a format to upload a set of VUS (variants of unknown significance)Vanderbilt-specific Spreadsheet Upload(Required)Accepted file types: xlsx, Max. file size: 1 MB.This upload only supports Vanderbilt’s unique UDN variant spreadsheet. To proceed, click [Choose File] and select a .xlsx file from your computer.VUStruct CSV(Required)Accepted file types: csv, Max. file size: 50 MB.Use this format if you already have amino acid changes. Paste a comma delimited set of data… The minimum headers are gene, uniprot ID (unp), mutation (example P35G).Washingto U.-specific Spreadsheet Upload(Required)Accepted file types: xlsx, Max. file size: 255 MB.This upload only supports Wash U’s unique UDN variant spreadsheet. To proceed, click [Choose File] and select a .xlsx file from your computer.VCF Upload (GRCh38 coordinates)Accepted file types: vcf, vcf, Max. file size: 255 MB.VCF is a tab-delimited format. Your file will be filtered for missense variants using the Ensembl VEP Your VCF file tab-delimited headers should be minimally: #CHROM POS ID REF ALTVCF Upload (GRCh37 coordinates to liftover)Accepted file types: vcf, Max. file size: 255 MB.VCF is a tab-delimited format. Your GRCh37 file will be first “lifted over” to GRCh38 with the UCSF tool. Then, it will be filtered for missense variants using the Ensembl VEP Your VCF file tab-delimited headers should be minimally: #CHROM POS ID REF ALTComma Delimited Missense Variants,gene,chrom,pos,change,transcript,unp,refseq,mutation,genome Paste a comma delimited set of data… The minimum headers are gene, unpiprot ID (unp), mutation (example P35G) Δ